Sunday, January 18, 2009

Japanese New Year

I forgot to post about our Japanese New Year. The Japanese celebrate the new year like us, except, because they don't really celebrate Christmas, this is their big holiday. Everyone goes to their local temple or shrine either New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. We chose to head out for New Year's Eve. Chris stayed home with the sleeping kids. We heard the bells ringing (100 times) while we walked over and joined the line at the local shrine. Here's the entrance to the shrine. The line was long, but moved quickly. Once you get to the front, you throw in your coin (5 yen is the most lucky), ring the bell (to get the gods' attention), clap your hands, then make your wish/prayer.

Once you say your prayer, you can buy your demon-busting arrows and plaques to write your wishes for the new year.

With all our New Year's stuff.

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