Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treating

Adam and Lottie got dressed up early for trick or treating. They posed for a few pictures, then we headed for the Halloween alternative at the chapel (or as we called it, the pre-show).

The kids enjoyed "riding" the pony. They were only allowed to pet the pony and sit in the saddle. That was good enough for them.

They also had a bunch of wooden play houses, which were good for minutes of fun!

Adam and Lottie gorged on snow cones and cotton candy. Then Adam got the world's worst face painting. That's supposed to be a bat. It was drawn by a very cute and enthusiastic 9 year old girl. Adam still thought it was super cool.

Then we headed to the Hoag-Stewart household for some chili and picture-taking. Declan and Ian were spiders.

Once we got back home, we dropped our candy off with our neighbor, then headed out to trick or treat. Lottie gets her first piece of candy from a neighbor.

On our way back, we ran into another neighbor. Adam, Lottie, and Mary posed for some pictures in the wagon. And also made sure that Mary didn't get anywhere near her light wand.

Home with the loot.


Denise said...

Love their named bags! So cute.

Callicott Family said...

Grandma made them for the kids. Adam's is actually a Japanese print.