Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stone Lantern

We finally decided to invest in a Japanese stone lantern. The movers are going to love us. Fortunately for them, we could only afford the smallest of lanterns. It actually is just five separate pieces that sit on each other. We'll have to keep the kids away from it so they don't topple it! The lantern store (the main business anyway) has been in business since 1592, and this particular store had a koi (carp) pond and water wheel. Adam and Lottie were infatuated with the fish.

The lanterns made a great backdrop for pictures. We could not afford any of these lanterns. Pity.

Our lantern looks just like this big lantern, but tinier. Much much tinier.

1 comment:

Denise said...

We love those laterns. We would like to get one as well. It stinks they are so expensive.