Monday, June 22, 2009

Moving Crazies

Adam and Lottie are enjoying some aspects of moving. The air shipment went today. The packers arrived at 7:30 (AM!) and the doorbell woke both kids up. Adam immediately raced downstairs, screaming, "Don't pack my trains!" Once the packers left (it only took 45 minutes!), and he was assured that the trains are staying, the kids enjoyed all the open space we have now that our stuff is gone. We do have a few military issue items - couch, a few chairs, dining set, and of course, beds.

Adam and Lottie enjoying the "new" couch. They are excited to move to Texas!


Becky said...

we can't wait for you to get here! Get's already hot!

Jennifer said...

Did they take all of their clothes? Poor Lottie and Adam are naked until they get to Texas!