Friday, April 10, 2009


On Wednesday, we had a modeling audition (our first after almost two years in Japan!) for both kids. Calum and Tate also had auditions, so we took the train together. The audition was near the Kabuki-za (Kabuki Theater), so we decided to try to see a show. The theater is being torn down in the spring of 2010 (to be renovated), so everyone is flocking to see the farewell performances now. You can buy tickets to see just a section of the all day show for only 800 yen. We took all four kids inside, and they were great. Except for when both babies made a few (not very loud) baby noises, and the Japanese usher came over with a card in English that asked us to take the baby out. She just stood there, smiling, waiting for one of us to take a baby out (before she even came out, both babies were quiet). So I finally just walked out with Lottie still breastfeeding, which seemed to satisfy her. I'm not sure why this was so important, since apparently, a Kabuki tradition is to heckle from the cheap seats, so we weren't the only ones making noise. Oh well. It was an experience!

Adam and Calum (well, mostly Adam) weren't sure about the "monsters" during the play.

Only men are allowed to be Kabuki actors, so even those "women" in the poster (behind the boys) are men.

After the Kabuki, we had a few minutes to kill, so we walked around and found a little park. It had a foot reflexology station where you could take off your shoes and walk on all kinds of bumpy things to stimulate/relax the feet and body. I tried it too - it hurt!

The good news is that Adam got his first modeling job for a kids' clothing catalog. Lottie didn't get the job, but we still think she is cute!

1 comment:

tonyamouse said...

Exciting for Adam! You will definitely have to show us copies of the catalog shots. =)