Monday, April 20, 2009

Children's Japanese Class

Adam goes to a children's Japanese class on Monday mornings. His nice Japanese teacher, Yukiko san, always teaches them a lot, and puts up with distracted babies and toddlers. Plus, she does crafts! For Boys' Day, or Kodomo-no-hi, (May 5), Japanese display carp (koi) as symbols of success, strength, and perseverance, in the hopes that their boys will have those qualities. So we made our own koinobori pictures. Adam went a little crazy with the glue and koi, and added a couple extra fish to his picture. Up top is Yukiko san, Isabelle, Calum, and Adam. Sitting babies are Tate, Leah, and Lottie.

Yukiko san always teaches them songs. This song is about working vehicles. None of us know any part of it except for the repeating of the vehicle names. Japanese is hard!Adam's favorite Japanese song. They love to march and crawl around.

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