Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Lottie will not go to bed unless we follow our usual bedtime routine, followed by this conversation.

Me: "I love you, Lottie."
Lottie: "I love you...MOM. Bye bye."

or the variation: "I love you...MOM. Get off me."

One night she mixed it up.

Me: "I love you, Lottie."
Lottie: "I wish you a merry Christmas."


Adam is NOT a morning person. He never wants to get up to go to school. He offers various reasons for why today is not a good day to go to school, but today's reason was especially funny.

"My legs. They are crazy. They want to go in all directions. And at school, they want you to have behaving legs. And my legs are crazy. I can't go to school."


Lottie: "Mom, pull up my pants! I'm too naked."

1 comment:

Denise said...

Love those, especially the "get off me." Where do they learn that stuff?