Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Today (August 23) was Adam's first day of preschool. He was super excited. Lottie was super excited to get in the picture with Adam.

Adam informed us that he "loved school and it was going to be really great!" before he even got into the classroom. He was happy to sit in his special seat and get ready for class and said goodbye to us without batting an eye. Lottie said, "Okay, now let's go get Adam" as soon as we walked out of the school. But we stayed busy all day and she was fine - but ready to get Adam when she woke up from her nap.

After school, he said the worst part of the day was when he had to go home. He also made some new friends. "Daniel, who is a boy, and Rachel, who is a boy too." I'm not sure that all of that info is correct. Regardless, we all survived the day, and Adam is even excited to go to school tomorrow!


Denise said...

Abby started preschool this month as well. It is so nice to have my mornings free (well, except for the new baby but you know what I mean).

Missy said...

I can't believe how grown up he looks!!