Tuesday, February 23, 2010

San Antonio - Day Two

On day two, we headed to the San Antonio Children's Museum. Our first stop was the children's super market. Play food, little shopping carts, and real scanners for check-out made Adam and Lottie very happy.

Pushing carts is fun!

Adam is a scanning pro. He checked Lottie out about five times.

Adam was upset about only having three check out counters. He wanted a number four (his favorite). He made do.

Their next favorite was the plane area. Adam flew the mock plane (with real seats).

Lottie dressed up as a pilot.

Adam and Lottie don't even reach to David Robinson's waist. They had a great time at the museum. There were also lots of balls, bubbles, water, sand, and even a play bank. I had to drag them out!


Jennifer said...

we've been to that museum....I need to get you info in museum pass that works at children's museums all over the country...I think you would get good use out of it!

Sommer Family said...

So fun! Maybe we can join you next time. The kids are getting so big, and so cute as always!