Thursday, July 23, 2009

New House

After moving into a rodent-infested house, fighting with the housing company to move us, then being given the choice of three other houses, we settled on this one. We are lucky to be in a large four bedroom duplex, with nice neighbors. We also have a new to us 2009 Mazda 5 (a little smaller than a minivan, seats 6) that we love.
Adam is enjoying the new house, especially stealing all the neighbors' toys (croquet "golf" set).
Lottie, Adam, and Nani are enjoying the fenced-in backyard. Lottie is also enjoying the neighbors' things. And their two dogs.


Jennifer said...

Thanks for the post. Sorry to hear that this has not been a great transition.....rodents yuck! Glad to know that you have good neighbors. Your kids look so big. I like your new car. Come to see us when you can!

Denise said...

Love the house. Can't wait to see the inside. We would love a fenced-in backyard. Sweet deal.

Crystal said...

How fun! Bummer about the rat infested first place, but glad they moved you. I'm totally jealous of your car, you'll have to let me know how it goes, i might get one when I get back. :)