Saturday, May 16, 2009

Zama Giant Kite Festival

On Monday, May 4, we went to the Zama
Giant Kite Festival. We took the bus (first time in this area for that), and met up with our sweet Japanese teacher. We got off at the kite museum, and looked at the kite from last year. Yes, it is huge. They are 13 meters square across and weigh 900 kg. They make a new kite every year!

There were also kites from around the world displayed on the second floor.
We had a nice walk through the rice fields until we got to the river. They had a smaller kite as well as the large kite. There were actually three cities having kite festivals all right next to each other. Apparently, it's a competition to get your kite up first, then to see who can keep their kite up the longest.

Families had big tents set up to spend the day. This family had a great setup - tent, long tables, and padded mats to sit on.

Before they launched the kite, you could get your picture taken in front of it. Lottie was, of course, asleep.

Since it was almost Boys' Day (May 5), they had a huge string of carp (koi).

Once Lottie woke up, she enjoyed all the people and the taiko drumming.
We got there in plenty of time to set up some blankets and pick out some yummy food. I especially liked the mini potatoes grilled up with lots of butter and served with extra butter and some corn. I'm not sure why I needed the corn, but it was good! The kite wranglers then started to launch the kite. The first time didn't work, but the second time did.

The giant kite in the air.

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