Sunday, December 14, 2008

Plural of Foote

We ran into our friends, Dennis and Kathy Foote, at brunch after church today. Kathy and I are in MCCW (Military Council of Catholic Women) together, so Adam sees her pretty often and likes to see her sing in choir. He calls her, "Kathy Foote!" Not Kathy, or Ms. Kathy, but Kathy Foote. So, we chatted for a little while, and when it was time to leave, Adam calls out, "BYE, FEET!" I didn't even know he knew the plural of Foote! As Dennis pointed out, there were two of them.

In church, Adam got a load of laughs (and we were thoroughly embarrassed) when he tried to LOUDLY imitate Kathy's Messiah solo. His soprano just didn't sound the same.

1 comment:

Missy said...

He's such a smart kid! That would have been hilarious to hear him singing.